
Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning New Things

The focus for our family this year is to keep Satan out of our house.  We are going to do so by diligently reading scriptures as a couple and as a family, family prayer every night, and Dave and I going to the temple every month.

So, the other night we were talking about how Satan likes to come into our house when we are fighting and not choosing the right, so we need to be good about choosing the right so he will stay out of our home.

A few nights later as we were putting the boys to bed, Tanner said, "Why does Samuel come into our house at night?"  I said, "Who is Samuel?"  "You know the guy you said comes at night."  Dave of course says to me, "Do you have a man come over when I am not home?"  :)  Then we figured out that he meant Satan.  Samuel - Satan, what's the difference.  I guess I have been surprised that my boys didn't know about Satan, but I guess that is better.  I hope they never know him!

Braden has started talking alot.  He says just about everything. He has started to tattle-tale, which is so cute.  He will be playing with his brothers, one will make him cry, and he will come running to find us and tell us "TeeTee" or "Nanny".  The only two words that he has put together as a "sentence" is "Daddy mean!"

Tanner is learning to read. He does so well.  He can read most words now as he sounds them out, and is really loving reading his scriptures at night.  And Colty is picking up on some words too.  He likes the word "and" as well as "of".  It is so fun to have them participate in reading time.

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