
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mammoth Bones

There is a gal in our ward that has started a non-profit organization to help educate kids and give them hands on experience in paleontology.  Four years ago she started this group when they came upon mammoth bones.  We got to go out and see this awesome find.  It is a Columbia Mammoth and it is 17,430 years old.  They think that it either died in the last ice age due to lack of grass or was washed away by the flood.  It was so cool to see this.  I don't know who was more excited, me or the boys, but it was awesome to participate in.
This is a Columbia Mammoth tusk, but not the one uncovered here.

Bones between thet buckets.  I think this is a rib.

I thought it was a Woolly Mammoth, but it is a Columbia Mammoth.  They look more elephant like but are much larger.

This the the washing station.  Everything they take from the site gets washed and sifted through for bones and other matter, and then the dirt is saved in bags to be analyzed as well. 

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