
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our new place

Things don't always work out the way I think they should. I am trying to be patient as I await for Heavenly Father's plan to work out for us...

The original plan was to move into Dave's 2 bedroom apartment, then we decided that we should look for something else, and found a home we love in Hermiston, OR that we wanted to buy, but since we haven't sold our home in Sugar City, we asked the family if they would lease their home to us. At first they agreed, but then they got scared.They didn't trust us, and we can't really blame them, because it is hard to know who you can trust. So, after they asked us to jump through too many hoops and pay crazy attorney fees, we told them to forget it, so we went back to square one and planned on living in Dave's 2 bedroom apartment. But, the week before we moved, a 3 bedroom apartment in the same complex opened up and we jumped on it. The great thing about it is, we don't loose our deposit and we get a much bigger and nicer home. So, here we are.

It really is a pretty nice arrangement. The bedrooms are good sized. The walls are freshly painted, and it feels clean. But, I miss my carpet that hides everything, my storage room, and my washer and dryer. We are settled and are making this our residence, but somehow this just doesn't feel like home. It kind of feels like we are on an extended vacation with all our stuff. We are living in about 947 square feet, and to have all the stuff from our 2018 square foot house plus garage and yard, it took 2 10X10 storage units to contain our items. As the kind brethren from the ward here helped us unload, it was almost embarrassing how much stuff we had. But, IT ISN'T JUNK!! It just takes a lot of stuff to raise a family.Once we got most of our stuff unpacked, I realized that the box that had all my clothes in it was missing. So, Saturday Dave and I went to the storage unit to start digging. It didn't take too terribly long to find it, and a few other things we realized we should have at the apartment, and then we went to the park.

There were lots of kids there, which my boys don't like, so we just enjoyed the sunshine and wind and walked around.


Shaunie said...

Hey, I found your blog. It was nice to see you guys a few weeks ago. I am glad you made it safely and it looks like you have settled in well.

JJLanier said...

It seems like moving would strengthen a family because all you know there is eachother. I'm glad things worked out with the apartment. Hope your house sells soon! I love the last picture!

Jen said...

You weren't kidding about some serious updating. It was so fun to see and read it all, thanks. The nice thing now is that you really only are a phone call away. I'm glad. Matthew still wants to play with the Mill's and dreamed about you last night even. Have a great day!