
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 1 - I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Our long awaited vacation has finally arrived!  I am pretty sure I am far more excited than anyone else!  Sunday was a long day, waiting for our 1 o'clock church to start, then waiting for it to end, then waiting for dinner, and then for finally time to go to the airport.  But, 6:30pm finally arrived and we were off!!

Getting through the check-in was much easier than I anticipated, as sometimes it can be crazy.  And, then, time to wait again.

 When we loaded the plane it was so exciting.  Braden was a "lap child" but the plane wasn't full, so he was able to have his own seat, which was wonderful. 

 After our 1 hour and 53 minute flight we were in LAX.  Colton said, "When I get off the plane I am going to yell, Mickey Mouse, where are you? as loud as I can."  Tanner thought the plane ride would be different. He expected to feel the airplane moving the whole time.qq

Braden INSISTED on pulling the suitcase himself.  So, with a monkey on his back, momma holding his tail, and him pulling "his" suitcase, we walked through the airport.  I am sure that this image brought a smile to every person who saw him at the airport.  It was really cute!

By the time we got our carseats out of baggage claim, and got our bus to take us to the car rental place, and picked out our new sweet ride, we got to the hotel after midnight.  Everyone zonked right out!!!

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